

Gastronomy, the science and art of the fine food, besides being a philosophical culture, it is interrelated with many areas of science and profession. As being a multidiscipline area, gastronomy requires educated gastronomes and restaurant managers in order to maintain quality and sustainability. In the gastronomy sector, which has a very high employment rate, there is always a need for qualified gastronomes in Turkey in the promotion of its highly rich cuisine. This program equips its students with the necessary information and skills for them to become qualified chefs and it is also designed to give them the necessary knowledge for being good managers. Besides the rich Turkish cuisine, our graduates will also be experts on world cuisine and global gastronomy. Our graduates also gain work experience through internships and placements so that they will be ready to lead their kitchens and restaurants. We welcome all the students who wish to acquire this sophisticated culture as their profession and be the leading chefs of the future.


Career Prospects: Gastronomes are needed not just in dining facilities and traditional restaurants but in a variety of settings, public and private, consumer-oriented and institutional. An increased emphasis on nutrition, sophistication, and financial and quality control means that all settings, from the white-tablecloth restaurant to the fast-food outlet, offer positions for gastronomy professionals. Some positions you may be interested are: Personal Chef, Caterer, Food Stylist, Nutritionist, Food Scientist and Cooking School Instructor.

Program Details
