Software Engineering

Software Engineering

Program Information: The objective of the Software Engineering Program at Altınbaş University Engineering is to educate software engineers with Solid foundation in software engineering and software science, essential for a successful career in academy, private sector or public sector; contribute to the research, development and production in Software engineering, Software science and related areas; competent in entrepreneurship, innovation and project management. Our program is designed to equip our students with strong communication skills and ability to work independently, in multidisciplinary teams and will possess leadership skills. Our graduates will have the awareness of social responsibility and professional ethics, the legal consequences and the impact of information technology applications on individual, institutional, societal and global contexts. It is also paramount for the software engineers to follow latest developments in science and technology with the awareness of the importance of personal and professional development and lifelong learning.


Career Prospects: Some of the major branches and career paths in software engineering include, systems development, applications development, web development, embedded systems development and computer programing.


“Watch a Video Explaining Our Program” presented by our esteemed academic personnel.




Explore the ECTS Bologna Information System to learn more about credit transfer and program details.


Visit the Faculty / Department Web Page for a message from the Dean and additional faculty information.


Program Details
